Preserving the largest remaining wetland in the west
Grassland Water
Delivering water to the 75,000 acre Grassland Resource Conservation District

Grassland Fund
The Grassland Fund is a 501c3 non-profit organization devoted to the protection of the Grassland water supply and legal defense against encroachment of harmful land use practices to the habitat. The fund also fully funds the Grassland Environmental Education Center (GEECe) committed to providing tom...

Heritage Program Appreciation
Thanking those who have made donations to the Grassland Fund

Our Districts work closely with these partners to Secure reliable water for California wetlands and Promote policy solutions that will help bolster migratory bird populations and protect and restore their habitat.

Grassland Ecological Area
The 240,000 Acre Grassland Ecological Area constitutes the largest remaining wetland complex in the Western United States. It is our mission to protect and enhance this critical public trust for generations to come.