The Grassland Water District delivers water to the 75,000 acre Grassland Resource Conservation District including Private, State and Federal Wildlife Refuges.
The Grassland Water District is a California Water Agency formed under Section 34000 of the State Water Code to receive and deliver Federal Central Valley Project water. The District’s primary function is to protect, secure and deliver water to the critical wetland habitat within its boundaries. The District also delivers water to state and federal wildlife refuges on the behalf of the Bureau of Reclamation. The District works closely with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife and the United States Fish and Wildlife service to maximize food and habitat availability to meet the needs of the migratory birds utilizing the pacific flyway.
Our Directors are very proud of what the District has achieved and protected over its sixty year history, particularly, its success in securing and managing a long-term water supply to preserve and enhance one of the nation’s most valuable wildlife resource areas. The private landowners and sportsmen within the Grasslands, working with the District and other organizations, have been responsible for the preservation of the largest remaining freshwater marsh in the western United States.
Habitat served by the District is recognized as a Wetland of International Importance under the RAMSAR Convention on Wetlands and is also designated as a Wetland Of Global Significance as a critical component to the Western Hemispheric Shorebird Reserve Network.